Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Exercise 8

Elevator Pitch 1

This is the first of two elevator pitches for ITC382 business to business systems. This subject will follow our progress through the use of ruby on rails as a framework for the development of an online system. During this 13 week period we will delve deep into the world of developing online systems and plan, design and develop our way to the final goal. During our studies we will utilize a blog to comment on our research and experiences with ruby on rails.
Ruby on rails is an open source web framework that has been optimised for greater efficiency and sustained productivity. Ruby on rails can be used to create e-commerce solutions including online booking systems as well as client/server computing in general. The design concepts that are used in ruby on rails are REST, DRY and convention over configuration. The REST architecture is implemented by ruby on rails through representing its states in http format. The DRY concept states that the unnecessary repetition of code is wasteful and hinders productivity. Toolsets and programming practices help overcome these issues. Convention over configuration is a model that reduces the amount of configuration needed by the administrator that increases the simplicity of development without reducing flexibility.

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